Sunday, August 9, 2009

" Loves Meaning"

When you're in Love, so many feelings enter your

Heart as you move on in life.

Sharing with so many of these feelings, knowing that life can

be so wonderful, brings on the true meaning of Love.

With many dreams being started and ending.

Like walking on a beach, with the waves gently hitting the sand

and the moon shines it's beams across the waters edge.

A couple walking in love.

The Love is so great it could rain or snow and

that Moon will still shine on them forever.

Their Hearts are as one and with every beat

brings happiness and joy into their life's

and Love will forever grow inside

them beyond time itself.

This shared Love sometimes brings on many

happy times and sad times,

that need to be shared and resolved to

return to Loves meaning.

With in time it self the true meaning can get lost

and those dreams are scattered over the

Heavens of love once shared.

This is the time to return to the walks on the

beach and loving memories shared,

to begin a new dream and learn from

ones left behind.